Sadness or Depression or "Acting Out" (Irritability) Because of Feeling Unhappy
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Evaluations
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (Cooperation with Homework, Bedtime Routine, Family Activities)
Aspergers and Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluations (Including School Requests)
Intelligence Testing , Personality Testing, and Career Testing
Social Anxiety (Excessive Shyness, Inability to Speak Up In Class, Difficulty with Peers)
Overanxious Disorder of Childhood (Worrying About Safety of Parents, Car Travel, Concerns About Weather Emergencies)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Repeating behaviors, hoarding, perfectionism)
Separation Anxiety (Difficulty Going to Sleep In Own Room, Crying At School Time or Preschool Time)
School Phobia (Avoidance of Going to School, Frequent Concerns About Not feeling Well)
Specific Phobias (Fear of riding bus, getting sick on bus)
Somatic Ailments Caused By Anxiety (Headaches, Stomach Aches, Vomiting Concerns)
Chronic Pain (Not Acute Illness)
School Performance Issues (Grades are Not Reflective of Child's Intelligence)